Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 3: Worksheet Automation
$0.00Manage workbook properties Record, create and edit a macro Create and use a template Use data validation in a workbook -
Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills
$79.95At the end of this course you will understand a brief history and evolution of women and leadership. You will recognize leadership barriers, how to handle them, and use them to create benefits. You will know about social and emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. You will be able to develop a basic vision and brand for your leadership and understand essential leadership skills. You will also examine decision making and create a workplace philosophy statement and action plan. -
Cannabis and the Workplace
$29.95In this course, you are going to learn about cannabis, its effects on the individual, and the potential impact in the workplace. You will consider medical cannabis, the rights and obligations of employees and employers, and the intervention process as you deal proactively by having a comprehensive drug and alcohol policy. -
Purchasing and Procurement Basics
$69.00In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. You’ll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. You’ll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships. -
Becoming Management Material
$89.00After you complete this course, you will be able to define your role as a manager and identify how that role differs from other roles you have had, understand the management challenge and the new functions of management discover how you can prepare for and embrace the forces of change, identify ways to get you and your workspace organized and get a jump on the next crisis, identify your leadership profile and explore ways to use this knowledge to improve your success as a manager, enhance your ability to communicate with others in meetings and through presentations, and create an action plan for managing your career success. -
Problem Solving and Decision Making
$39.95In this course, you will learn a three-phase problem solving process that you can apply to any situation. You will also learn techniques for creative thinking, how to make good group decisions, and ways to follow up on and evaluate decisions. -
Goal Setting
$19.99After you complete this course, you will be able to: Identify what is important to you in your life, Use goal setting activities and appropriate language to articulate what you want in your life, Explain what your dreams and goals are for both the short and long term, Use motivating techniques to help you reach your goals, Understand how to deal with setbacks. -
Active Listening
$24.95In this course, you will learn what active listening is and what qualities active listeners have. You’ll also learn how to manage your body language, create a positive listening attitude, encourage conversation, build relationships, and get over listening roadblocks. -
Microsoft Office 365: 2018 Feature Updates
$0.00By the end of this course, users should be comfortable using the new features released in 2018 for the desktop version of Microsoft Office 365, including features of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Visio. -
Basic Internet Marketing
$19.95In this course, you will learn how to market online, where your target market is, and what results you are getting. You will also learn about search engine optimization, e-mail campaigns, pay per click advertising, and more. -
Project Management Fundamentals
$69.95In this course, you will learn what a project is and what a project manager does. You will also learn about the life cycle of a project. In particular, you will focus on the conceptual phase of project management, where you identify, prioritize, and scope a project idea. -
Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 2: Creating Advanced Formulas
$0.00Apply range names Use specialized functions -
Business Writing That Works
$24.95This course will teach you how to write and proofread your work so it is clear, concise, complete, and correct, how to apply these skills in real world situations, how to use language that is courteous, how to use the proper format for memos, letters, and emails, and how to determine whether your writing can be easily understood by your intended audience. -
Getting Your Job Search Started
$19.99In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job. -
Developing a High Reliability Organization
$79.00You will learn what constitutes a High Reliability Organization (HRO), the principles behind high reliability and take a look at a real life disaster that could have benefitted from those principles. -
The Minute Taker’s Workshop
$24.95This workshop will help you learn what is expected of a minute-taker, key minute-taking skills, including listening skills, critical thinking, organization, and good note-taking, how to write minutes that are suitable for formal meetings, informal meetings, and action minutes, how to be an efficient minute-taker in any type of meeting,,and how to prepare and maintain a minute book. -
Creative Thinking and Innovation
$29.95In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. You’ll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing). -
Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service Training for Call Center Agents
$29.95In this course, you will learn how to present yourself appropriately on the telephone. You will also learn tips for saying “no,” giving bad news, selling on the phone, overcoming objections, dealing with difficult customers, taking messages, and managing voice mail. We will also share a basic telephone script that you can customize. -
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
$49.97In this course you will learn about supply chains and logistics, various integration models, supply chain flows, who is who in a supply chain, as well as drivers and ways to optimize them. You will also gain an insight on other crucial points such as aligning your business and supply chain strategies, how to get the most out of your data, how to troubleshoot any problems that crop up and ways to develop your supply chain. -
Process Improvement with Gap Analysis
$69.00You will learn how to embrace Process Improvement with Gap Analysis during this course which provides you with the knowledge of what gap analysis is, examples, templates, and the guidance to implement an analysis in your situation. -
Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale
$35.00In this course, you will learn how to overcome objections, identify buying signals, and close the sale. You will also learn supporting skills, like building credibility, being observant, and communicating well. -
Influence and Persuasion
$19.95In this course, you will learn how to speak persuasively, communicate with confidence, build rapport, develop a strong presentation, and leverage storytelling. You’ll also receive an introduction to basic neuro linguistic programming techniques. -
Marketing for Small Businesses
$49.97This course will teach you how marketing is different for small businesses, elements of a successful marketing message, what the marketing cycle looks like, how to build a marketing plan with the five P’s, how to market with social media, and how to create a marketing budget. You will also explore over 100 strategies and consider which ones are right for your small business. -
Developing a Training Needs Analysis
$79.95This course covers all the essential elements of a training needs analysis. The first step is using the ICE method to isolate problems, consult with stakeholders, and evaluate your options. Then, you can bring all of the information together into a training needs analysis that will convince readers to take action. -
Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business
$19.95This course will introduce you to the basics of sustainability and corporate social responsibility using ISO 26000 guidelines as a framework. These principles include organizational governance and ethics, operating practices, human rights and labor practices, environmental awareness and sustainability, consumer issues, and community involvement. -
Planning for Workplace Safety
$49.95This course gives you the tools to create a workplace safety plan that covers the all the bases you need to begin to build a safe work environment. You will learn many topics including the basics of a safety policy along with the introduction of a safety plan and how to develop a communications plan. You will learn how to decide upon training solutions for common accidents/incidents and learn of the importance and structure of incident response plans. Also, the course covers 6S inspections, checklists, plus the value of an appendix for the safety plan. -
Making Training Stick
$99.00In this course, you’ll learn ways to help make your training workshops stickier so that the learners will retain the material better. You will familiarize yourself with strategies that can help learning to stick with the audience in an effective and meaningful way. You will learn how to keep learners focused and motivated to absorb material. Also, you will learn ways to develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.