Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 1: Customizing the Excel Environment
$0.00Customize general, language, formula, proofing, and saving options Use Excel’s version control features Customize the ribbon and the Quick Access toolbar Customize the functionality of Excel by enabling add-ins Customize advanced and Trust Center options -
Microsoft 365 Outlook Part 1: Customizing the Outlook Environment
$0.00Customize the Outlook interface, and create and manage Quick Steps. -
Microsoft 365 Word: Part 3: Simplifying and Managing Long Documents
$0.00Add cover pages and blank pages to a document Insert an index Insert a table of contents Insert ancillary tables, such as tables of figures and authorities Manage document outlines Create master and subdocuments -
Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 2: Enhancing Workbooks
$0.00Customize workbooks Manage themes Protect files Prepare a workbook for audiences -
Microsoft 365 Word: Part 3: Securing a Document
$0.00Suppress information Set editing restrictions Add a digital signature to a document Restrict document access -
Microsoft 365 Excel: Part 3: Worksheet Automation
$0.00Manage workbook properties Record, create and edit a macro Create and use a template Use data validation in a workbook