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  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language.
  • 10-Minute Presentations

    At the end of this workshop, you will be able to know and use essentials of a good presentation, choose platforms that enhance your message and reach, set goals and timelines for your presentation, create engaging narrative from outline through final draft, edit and polish your presentation, offer and receive peer review and, develop best practices for future presentations.
  • Trade Shows: Getting the Most Out of Your Trade Show Experience

    You are going to learn about people who attend trade shows and how to interact with them. You are also going to learn about the importance of pre-show promotion and then follow up afterwards. These topics will be explored in great depth as they get broken down into areas such as creating good opening lines and good conversations, targeted promotional giveaways, booth behavior, and prospecting activities.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.
  • Writing Reports and Proposals

    To begin this course, you will learn about the four stages of report writing: investigating, planning, writing, and revising. You’ll also learn about the ten steps of proposal writing, as well as using headings, adding visual aids, writing persuasively, and sourcing material.
  • Workplace Harassment: What It Is and What to Do About It

    After completing this course, you will be able to identify acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the workplace, apply the benefits of harassment training, define the various types of harassment, assist in the creation of a harassment policy, understand ways to prevent and protect yourself from harassment, know what to do if you are the target of harassment or are accused of harassment, understand the complaint process, and how to help your workplace adjust after a harassment incident.
  • Mobbing in the Workplace

    After this course, you will be able to identify mobbing and how it differs from individual bullying, know why and how it occurs, know how it impacts the person targeted and the organization, know what actions to take if you are being mobbed, know how to avoid targeting someone, and know what action to take as an organization to stop mobbing before it starts
  • Training with Visual Storytelling

    In this course, you will learn how to use storytelling to engage the hearts and minds of your audience. We’ll cover the essential elements of a successful story as well as a variety of storyboarding and graphic design tools. After you complete this course, you’ll be ready to create engaging, compelling training sessions that inspire your students.
  • Creating Winning Webinars: Getting Your Message Out

    This course is going to teach you to understand what webinars are and why they are important. You will also learn best practices for implementation and development of webinars. You are going to learn the appropriate structure and platform for your webinar and also how to outline a webinar.
  • Continuous Improvement with Lean

    In this course, you will learn about developing continuous improvement strategies in the workplace using Lean methodology. The course focuses on the Identify – Plan – Execute – Review cycle, and wraps up with an in-depth case study to help you practice what you have learned.
  • Communication Strategies

    This course will teach you all about the various aspects of communication. You will learn about asking questions, probing for information, active listening, and body language. Supporting skills are also covered, such as self-esteem, building relationships with others, and assertiveness.
  • Workplace Ergonomics: Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics

    In this course, you will learn how to identify, assess, and resolve ergonomic issues. You will also learn about basic ergonomic principles for sitting, standing, lifting, transporting items, and using tools. Ergonomic environments and workstations will also be covered.
  • Developing a Lunch and Learn Program

    This course will give you the skills to develop a successful workplace Lunch and Learn Program. You begin by looking at exactly what a Lunch and Learn truly is and why to have one. Next the course guides you through the underpinnings of a Lunch and Learn and then into how to administer the program. You will get the chance to develop your own short program and wrap up the course by evaluating it.
  • Mastering The Interview

    In this course, you will learn how to prepare for and participate in a job interview. We’ll share the types of questions to expect, as well as the questions that you should think about asking. You will also learn how to prepare for second interviews, testing, and shadowing, as well as how to follow up after an interview.
  • Purchasing and Procurement Basics

    In this course, you will learn the basics of purchasing and procurement. You’ll receive an introduction to the supply chain, the purchasing cycle, and basic purchasing tools. You’ll also learn about the competitive bidding process, how to manage supplier performance, risk management techniques, and ways to build relationships.
  • Basic Internet Marketing

    In this course, you will learn how to market online, where your target market is, and what results you are getting. You will also learn about search engine optimization, e-mail campaigns, pay per click advertising, and more.
  • Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo

    Once you complete Six Sigma: Entering the Dojo your skills in this practical area of business improvement will be prepped and practiced enough to apply them in the real world. You are going to learn about the basics of Six Sigma and about various improvement tools. You will follow that up with a look at management tools for generating ideas. A look at continuous improvement is next on the agenda and the course concludes with a consideration of customer relationships.
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    In this course, you will identify ways to develop your creative side and build a creative environment. You’ll also learn a basic problem-solving process, individual creative thinking tools (such as the RAP model, shoe swap technique, mind mapping, metaphors, and toys), and team-based creative thinking tools (such as brainstorming, brainwriting, rolestorming, the stepladder technique, and slip writing).
  • Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

    This course will assist with welcoming people with disabilities into workplaces, learning how to Interact with people with disabilities, identify and overcome barriers in the workplace, use respectful, appropriate, acceptable language in any circumstance, understand appropriate interaction during the hiring and interviewing process, and understand what job accommodation is and how it applies in a workplace.
  • Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service Training for Call Center Agents

    In this course, you will learn how to present yourself appropriately on the telephone. You will also learn tips for saying “no,” giving bad news, selling on the phone, overcoming objections, dealing with difficult customers, taking messages, and managing voice mail. We will also share a basic telephone script that you can customize.
  • Selling Smarter

    In this course, you will learn why consultative and customer-focused selling are so important. You’ll also learn about the sales cycle, setting goals, ways to increase your average sale, and where to find new clients.
  • Managing Difficult Conversations

    This course will give you an eight-step process for a difficult conversation, as well as some things to consider when deciding to have the conversation (such as your desired outcome, the time and place, and how to stay safe). You’ll also learn how to speak persuasively, ask good questions, and listen actively.
  • Orientation Handbook: Getting Employees Off to a Good Start

    In this course, you will learn why orientation is so important. You will learn about the four components of employee commitment as well as the commitment curve. You will also learn how to develop successful orientation and training programs.
  • Building a Consulting Business

    This course will guide you along your journey to starting your own consulting business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing plans while touching on networking and important documents you need to consider.
  • Identifying and Combatting Fake News

    After you complete this course you will be able to: define ‘fake news’, recognize the difference between ‘fake news’ and objective reporting, understand the impacts of ‘fake news’ on your organization, examine proactive strategies and how they work, learn reactive strategies and why they are essential, discover opportunities for promotion and growth within ‘fake news’ , and create your own ‘fake news’ action plan.
  • Advanced Writing Skills

    After you complete this course, you will be able to make your writing clear, complete, concise, and correct, improve sentence construction and paragraph development, deal with specific business requests, create effective business cases, proposals, and reports, and thoroughly document sources that you use in your writing.
  • Dealing With Difficult People

    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to recognize how your own attitudes and actions affect others; find new and effective techniques for dealing with difficult people; be familiar with some techniques for managing and dealing with anger; and develop coping strategies for dealing with difficult people and difficult situations.
  • Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to communicate effectively over the telephone, develop your personal telemarketing script, and close a sale. You’ll also learn how telemarketing can add to your sales strategy.
  • Business Succession Planning: Developing and Maintaining a Succession Plan

    This course will teach you how to develop and maintain a succession plan with the SUCCESS model, which includes developing a system, identifying resources, creating risk assessments, developing action plans, implementing those plans, and evaluating the results.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Basic Business Management: Boot Camp for Business Owners

    This course will give you all the skills that you need as a new business owner. You’ll learn how to develop your organizational chart, manage operations, speak knowledgeably about finance, hire the right people, build your brand, market your product online and offline, complete a strategic plan and a succession plan, and build your customer base. You’ll also learn the basics of leadership and tips for taking your business to the next level.
  • Introduction to E-Mail Marketing

    In this course, you will receive an in-depth introduction to e-mail marketing. Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to plan, create, and deliver e-mail marketing campaigns that build relationships with customers and get results.
  • Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business

    This course will introduce you to the basics of sustainability and corporate social responsibility using ISO 26000 guidelines as a framework. These principles include organizational governance and ethics, operating practices, human rights and labor practices, environmental awareness and sustainability, consumer issues, and community involvement.
  • Creating Successful Staff Retreats

    In this course you are going to learn a comprehensive approach to crafting a successful staff retreat for your organization. You are going to look at why retreats are conducted, look at retreat undertaking categories and then advance to the development and presentation of retreat activities. Your retreat education doesn’t stop there as you are also going to learn how to identify the critical elements of a staff retreat and you will learn to create a planning checklist and about the keys of running a retreat. When the retreat is over, your responsibilities aren’t, you need to evaluate how things went so you will learn how to create an evaluation and follow up.
  • An Environmental Audit Primer

    This course will give you the tools to conduct an internal environmental audit at your workplace. You will learn of the different types of audits and about auditors and the basic steps of an audit. This course will also teach you the essential aspects of an audit checklist and how to develop a checklist based on Environmental Management System procedures. You will also explore noncompliances, corrective actions and an audit closing meeting.